The measures have been successful in mitigating part mobile phone number list of the increase in poverty and inequality as an effect of the pandemic. The auspicious effects of these programs in countries such as Brazil and Argentina are a concrete example that underlines the need to extend social protection to informal sectors permanently and in the long term.twenty-one. However, these measures have had a very short duration (on average, 3.3 months) .22. If before mobile phone number list the juggling between care and paid work placed this group in a precarious situation, with the crisis the risk of strong setbacks is immense.
As a first step, it is essential that social protection mobile phone number list measures for the informal sector be permanently extended. Beyond that, focused employment policies, which must go hand in hand with investment in care services, will be essential in the recovery of this group. The pressures for women in the "sticky floors" scenario are even greater.
To the lack of access to public or private care services and the shock in the already low income and low labor activity, are added the precarious housing conditions mobile phone number list and the lack of access to basic infrastructure that, on the one hand, press to a limit point the time that these women dedicate to domestic and care work, and on the other hand, they make it almost impossible to abide by public health measures, which increases the rate of infections in informal settlements. R